Termination of Employment - HR Policy 605   




Effective Date: [Effective Date]

Review/Revised Date: [Revised Date]


Category: [Administrative Category]


Policy Owner: [Policy Owner]

Policy Contact: [Policy Contact]



Termination of Employment may result from resignation, dismissal, retirement, or death.

As soon as it is known that an employee's services will be terminated, for whatever reason, an ACT document should be initiated. The document must indicate the last day of work, the effective date of the termination, the reason for termination (voluntary, involuntary, or retirement) and recommendation for re-employment. Supporting documentation should include enough detail to assist in processing unemployment compensation claims.

A re-employment recommendation may be qualified by using such terms as "after consideration," "in another type of position," or similar wording. Departments are encouraged to consult with their designated HR Consultant or HR Employee Relations staff before using a re-employment qualifier. 

For exempt employees, a copy of the vacation accrual record must be forwarded with the ACT document. For non-exempt employees, the vacation accrual will be paid automatically.

Any employee who is involuntarily terminated or who voluntarily resigns and reapplies for employment at UAB, will have their prior work history reviewed and taken into consideration.  

Certain involuntary terminations may allow for the Severance Pay and Benefits Policy for Nonfaculty Employees to be used.  

POLICY 605.A - Disciplinary Actions/Termination

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) reserves the right to determine the duration of employment of any individual and hence to discharge any employee with or without cause.  

UAB may initiate prosecution of employees or former employees when discharge is a result of a violation of law.

Termination or dismissal of tenured faculty members is covered in the UAB Faculty Handbook or by other rules and regulations pertaining to this matter.

In the interest of providing notice of the expectations of the administration, UAB has compiled an illustrative list of offenses, which may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal. Since a complete list of specific offenses is impossible, the following are examples of deficiencies or violations.

  1. Absence without notification or reasonable cause for failure to notify. Such absences for three consecutive work days or shifts require no further follow-up prior to termination
  2. Excessive Absenteeism, job abandonment and/or tardiness
  3. Assault and/or any act of fighting on UAB property or leased space
  4. Conviction of a felony
  5. Falsifying official UAB records and documents to include but not limited to, personnel or pay records, application for employment, application for transfer, health records; badging/clocking the time record or signing the time sheet for another employee (See also separate policy)
  6. Forging e-mail, such as sending an e-mail communication in someone else's name
  7. Immoral or indecent conduct on UAB property or leased space or conduct which brings discredit to UAB
  8. Incompetence or inefficiency in patient care
  9. Inexcusable neglect of duties, insubordination, disobedience and/or dishonesty
  10. Stealing from fellow employees, patients, UAB, or others on UAB property or leased space
  11. Theft, misappropriation of funds, and/or unauthorized use or removal of UAB property
  12. Possession of firearms, knives, or other weapons and ammunition (See also separate policy)
  13. Unauthorized accessing of and/or release of confidential or official information (See also separate policy)
  14. Unlawful possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of illicit drugs, controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages during the employee's work period, whether on the premises of UAB or at any other site where the employee is carrying out assigned UAB duties (See also separate policy)
  15. Leaving UAB premises or work area (including pre-approved hybrid/alternate remote work area) without permission during work hours; unexcused absences
  16. Misuse of benefit time
  17. Inattention to duty and/or negligence in the performance of duty or productivity not up to standards
  18. Failure to cooperate in an investigation
  19. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest or failure to eliminate a conflict of interest when so directed (See also separate policy)
  20. Failure to maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with co-workers and supervisors
  21. Inappropriate behavior in the workplace, including, but not limited to, threatening, intimidating, coercing, or interfering with fellow employees on UAB property or leased space
  22. Inappropriate behavior toward, or discourteous treatment of, patients, students, visitors, or co-workers including the use of profanity and other harassing behavior
  23. Negligence or abuse in the use of UAB property or equipment
  24. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  25. Abuse of email, electronic communications, and/or computer networks
  26. Harassment to include sexual harassment (See also separate policy)
  27. Sleeping, wasting time, loitering or loafing during work hours
  28. Malicious mischief to include destruction of property and vandalism
  29. Violation of, or disregard for safety practices
  30. Violation of UAB policies and procedures 

POLICY 605.B   Resignation

Non-exempt employees are expected to give at least fourteen (14) calendar days' written notice of resignation. Exempt employees in administrative, supervisory, professional, or patient-care positions are expected to give at least thirty (30) calendar days' written notice of resignation. Patient-care personnel, although paid biweekly, are expected to give thirty (30) calendar days' written notice. Certain job titles such as Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants and Midwives are expected to give at least ninety (90) calendar days' written notice or resignation.  Failure to provide appropriate written notice may result in the employee being considered ineligible for future employment at UAB.  

Employees who resign will be paid through the last day worked and will receive their checks on the first payday following resignation. If the employee has completed the initial six months probationary period, they will be eligible for payment of all vacation time earned but not taken at the time of resignation, up to the maximum accrual allowed. Accrued sick time and personal holiday time will not be paid upon resignation or discharge. Vacation and Personal Holiday time are not eligible to be used during required period of notification.  

Prior to leaving UAB, an employee should complete an online exit survey. At this time, the employee should also contact the Benefits Office to arrange for the conversion or transfer of certain benefits.

POLICY 605.C Death

In the event of the death of an employee, an ACT document should be processed immediately indicating last day worked. If exempt, a copy of the benefit accrual record should be attached.

The HR Benefits staff should be notified immediately of the death of an employee so that they may begin to process insurance and other benefits claims.

Date Issued: 10/80