Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-1060-PM

Standing Committees of the General Faculty-Institutional Policy or Governance Committees

Effective January 18, 2024
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs


  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin ("University") Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) contains a description of the categories and general membership requirements of the standing committees of the General Faculty (see HOP 2-1040). The details of composition and membership of the standing committees categorized as institutional policy or governance committees are given below.

  1. Reason for Policy

To define the composition and function of the General Faculty Standing Committees.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all individuals appointed to the Standing Committees of the General Faculty.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)


  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts





Office of the General Faculty


Phone: 512-471-5934



  1. Responsibilities & Procedures
    1. Admissions and Registration Committee (C1)


 Composition. Six (6) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms, two (2) staff members for two (2) year staggered terms, and five (5) students. Two (2) student members shall be appointed by the president from a panel of four (4) names submitted by Student Government, two (2) from a panel of four (4) names submitted by the Senate of College Councils, and one (1) from a panel of two (2) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. No more than two (2) students may come from any one (1) college or school. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The vice provost for enrollment management, executive director of admissions, and the registrar shall serve as administrative advisors without votes.


 Function. To recommend to the executive director of admissions, the registrar, and the Faculty Council changes in policies regarding admission and registration and to consult with and advise the executive director of admissions and the registrar about procedures pertaining to their offices.


  1. University Academic Calendar Committee (C2)


 Composition. Four (4) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms, and two (2) staff members for two (2) year staggered terms. Three (3) student members shall be appointed by the president, one (1) each from panels of two (2) names submitted by Student Government, the Senate of College Councils, and the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. A representative of the Office of the Registrar shall serve as administrative advisor without vote.


 Function. To make recommendations to the Faculty Council and to the president concerning the University's academic calendar. The University Academic Calendar Committee will review the Principles for the Development of the Academic Calendar each year. If it determines that changes are considered necessary, the committee will submit a recommendation to the Faculty Council in time for consideration at the council's April meeting. If no changes are recommended, the committee will confirm in its annual report that it reviewed the principles and recommended no changes.


  1. Undergraduate Curriculum Changes Committee (C3)


 Composition. The Faculty Council chair elect will serve as the chair of the committee. The Educational Policy Committee (EPC) will designate a voting member to sit on the committee as vice chair. Seven (7) voting members of the General Faculty, one (1) from each of the following college curriculum committees, will serve three (3) year staggered terms:


  1. Cockrell School of Engineering
  2. College of Fine Arts
  3. College of Liberal Arts
  4. College of Natural Sciences
  5. McCombs School of Business
  6. Moody College of Communication
  7. School of Undergraduate Studies


Three (3) voting members of the General Faculty selected from among the smaller colleges/schools will serve three (3) year staggered terms:


  1. College of Education
  2. College of Pharmacy
  3. Jackson School of Geosciences
  4. School of Architecture
  5. School of Information
  6. School of Law
  7. School of Nursing
  8. School of Social Work


Deans of colleges/schools will send one (1) or more names of faculty serving on the college/school curriculum committees to the Committee on Committees. In the event that a college/school curriculum committee does not exist, the dean shall send names of faculty serving on departmental curriculum committees. The Committee on Committees will submit its faculty recommendations to the president for appointment. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Deans, associate deans, assistant deans, department chairs, and other administrative officials are ineligible for election or appointment. The vice provost in The Undergraduate College, a representative from the Office of the Registrar, and a representative from the Office of Strategic Academic Initiatives shall serve as administrative advisers without vote.


 Function. To conduct the university-level review of proposals from colleges, schools, and units for changes to the undergraduate curriculum; to consider issues of educational quality of undergraduate degree programs and the implications of degree changes on other programs, course demand, graduation rates, and related issues; and to recommend action to the executive vice president and provost on such proposals. The committee shall vote to endorse, or fail to endorse, proposed curricular changes based on their own rules, consistent with university policy. The committee will route proposals that require THECB approval to Faculty Council for their full review. The committee may elect to escalate other proposals to a full review by Faculty Council. The committee shall make an annual written report of its work to the General Faculty and Faculty Council.


  1. Educational Policy Committee (C4, EPC)


 Composition. Nine (9) voting members of the General Faculty, appointed for three (3) year staggered terms. Three (3) students shall be appointed by the Senate of College Councils, and one (1) by the Graduate Student Assembly. The student members must be from different colleges and should attempt to achieve gender diversity. The student members should include at least one (1) professional student. The Graduate Student Assembly’s appointee shall be a graduate student who is or has served as an assistant instructor or teaching assistant at the University. One (1) staff member who is a member of the Academic Counselors’ Association. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee; if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The provost, the dean of Undergraduate Studies, the director of Testing and Evaluation Services, and the registrar shall serve as administrative advisors without votes. The Campus Academic Deans (consisting of the academic deans in each college or school) shall nominate a consultant without a vote


 Function. To study and evaluate proposals on educational policy and possible alternatives and to present recommendations on such matters to the Faculty Council. The committee shall actively seek advice from students.


  1. Faculty Building Advisory Committee (C5, FBAC)


 Composition. Nine (9) voting members of the General Faculty, including at least one representative from the School of Architecture, and one (1) member of the University staff, all appointed by the president for five (5) year terms. Two (2) undergraduate students appointed by the president from a panel of four (4) names submitted by Student Government, and one (1) graduate student from a panel of two (2) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. Students shall serve one (1) year terms and shall be eligible for reappointment. The students must be from different colleges or schools. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The senior vice president of financial and administrative services or a delegate shall be an ex officio member without vote. The University of Texas System Board of Regents' ("UT System") associate vice chancellor for facilities planning and construction and a representative from the Office of Campus Planning and Project Management shall serve as administrative advisors without vote. Dean of the School of Architecture shall serve as an administrative advisor without vote.


 Function. To represent the faculty, staff, and students in matters related to the construction and maintenance of campus buildings and grounds. The committee shall solicit and serve as the conduit for campus-wide faculty input into the nature and direction of building construction and renovation initiatives and convey those concerns to all affected stakeholders along with any recommendations it considers appropriate. The committee shall meet separately at least annually with representatives of master planning and public arts committees. A representative of the committee (generally, the chair) shall serve on the Campus Master Planning Committee, or its equivalent. A member of the committee shall, when appropriate, be appointed by the president as a voting member to a committee created during the preparation of the preliminary plans for the erection of a particular building, to serve until its completion.


  1. International Programs and Studies Committee (C6)


 Composition. Five (5) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms and two (2) students. At least one (1) faculty member of the committee shall be a member of a foreign language department. One (1) student member shall be appointed by the president from each of the panels of two (2) names submitted by Student Government and the Senate of College Councils. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The president shall appoint annually, as administrative advisors without vote, the senior vice provost for global engagement, the dean of the Graduate School, as well as one (1) person selected form the academic associate deans of the colleges and schools, one (1) person selected from among the directors of the University area studies centers, and a representative of the University administration in the area of international programs and related student services..


 Function. To advise the Faculty Council and executive vice president and provost on policies and procedures pertinent to the development, implementation, and on the operation of international programs at the University and pedagogical and research programs involving overseas study and/or work with internationally-oriented agencies.


  1. University Of Texas Libraries Committee (C7)


 Composition. Eight (8) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms, three (3) staff members for two (2) year staggered terms, and seven (7) students. Staff members shall be appointed by the president from a panel of names submitted by the Staff Council and shall include two (2) research staff representatives. Two (2) students shall be appointed by the president from a panel of four (4) names submitted by the Student Government, three (3) from a panel of six (6) names submitted by the Senate of College Councils, and two (2) from a panel of four (4) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The director of University Texas Libraries shall serve as administrative advisor without vote. Heads of other administrative units on campus that include library programs and services shall be invited to provide comment and information as the need arises.


 Function. To be well informed concerning the functions of the University of Texas Libraries, including the branch libraries. To advise in development and implementation of policies and procedures; to advise the librarian, the Faculty Council, and the president concerning the future of the University of Texas Libraries; to advise the president in the event it becomes necessary to appoint a new librarian.


  1. Parking and Traffic Appeals Panel (C8)


 Composition. Eighteen (18) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms, ten (10) members of the University staff for two (2) year staggered terms, and ten (10) students. Eight (8) students shall be appointed by the president from a panel of sixteen (16) names submitted by Student Government, and two (2) from a panel of four (4) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council.


 Function. To review petitions and appeals arising in connection with parking and enforcement of regulations.


  1. Transportation Policies Committee (C9)


 Composition. Four (4) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms and four (4) staff members, including two (2) representing units at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus (the staff of the director of physical plant are not eligible to serve), for two (2) year staggered terms. Two (2) students shall be appointed by the president from a panel of four (4) names submitted by Student Government, and one (1) from a panel of two (2) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. Representatives of Campus Safety, the Dean of Students, Campus Planning and Project Management, Parking and Transportation, the University Policy Department, and Financial and Administrative Services shall serve as administrative advisors without vote.


 Function. To review and monitor transportation, parking, and traffic regulations (including bicycles and scooters) to ensure they further the needs and safety of the campus community. To recommend to the president changes to the regulations that are consistent with meeting the transportation and parking needs and safety of faculty, staff, and students. To participate in the formation, monitor, and approve activity of the Shuttle Bus Committee, the Bike Committee, and the Late Night Transportation Committee and recommend to the Faculty Council any changes in their composition or operation.

  1. Recruitment and Retention Committee (C10)


 Composition. Four (4) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms, one (1) departmental faculty minority liaison officer for a three (3) year term, and two (2) staff members (at least one (1) shall be an academic advisor or graduate coordinator) for two (2) year staggered terms. Three (3) students shall be appointed by the president from a panel of six (6) names submitted by Student Government and one from a panel of two (2) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. The coordinator of the Sanger Learning Center and three (3) members of the administration shall be appointed by the president for one (1) year terms. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The vice provost for enrollment management, the vice president for campus and community engagement, a representative from the African American Alumni Association, and a representative from the Hispanic Alumni Association shall serve as ex officio members without votes.


 Function. To address issues relating to recruitment and retention of historically underrepresented students and to advise the Faculty Council and the president on initiatives related to their recruitment and retention.


  1. Research Policy Committee (C11)


 Composition. Nine (9) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms, one (1) school or college administrator (associate dean for Research) for a one (1) year term, and two (2) research staff members for two (2) year staggered terms. No more than two (2) faculty members of the committee shall be from a given college or school. One (1) undergraduate student appointed by the president from a panel of two (2) names submitted by the Senate of College Councils and two (2) graduate students appointed from a panel of four (4) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. At least one (1) of the graduate student members of the committee shall be enrolled in one (1) of the Ph.D. programs of the Graduate School. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. Both the vice president for research and the dean of the Graduate School shall serve as administrative advisors to the committee without vote.


 Function. To advise the Faculty Council and the president on matters relating to the research mission of the University and the relationship between it and other aspects of the University's overall mission; to provide for wider dissemination of information concerning the research mission of the University, how that mission is being discharged, and how it might be enhanced.


  1. Responsibilities, Rights, and Welfare of Graduate Student Academic Employees Committee (C12)


 Composition. Five (5) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms; one (1) staff graduate coordinator for a two (2) year term; and one (1) teaching assistant, one (1) assistant instructor, and one (1) graduate research assistant. Student members shall be appointed by the president from a panel of names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The chair of the Graduate Assembly shall appoint one (1) member of the Graduate Assembly for a one (1) year term as an ex officio voting member of the committee. One (1) representative from the Graduate School shall serve as an ex officio non-voting administrative advisor.


 Function. To advise the Faculty Council and the president on matters pertaining to the responsibilities, rights, and welfare of graduate student academic employees.


  1. Information Technology Committee (C13)


 Composition. Fifteen (15) voting faculty members of the General Faculty, thirteen (13) of which will serve three (3) year staggered terms. In addition, every year the chair of the Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting faculty members of the Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. Eight (8) of the faculty members will be from college/schools participating in the Information Technology Leadership Council (ITLC) and will rotate among the colleges and schools that participate in ITLC. The remaining five (5) faculty members will be selected through the regular procedures of the Committee on Committees (see HOP 2-1040 section B), giving priority to colleges and schools not in ITLC. The Committee on Committees will submit all faculty recommendations/nominations, including the IT panel, to the president for appointment. There will be four (4) staff members appointed for two (2) year staggered terms. At least two (2) of the staff member representatives shall not be employed in IT-related areas. The Chair of ITLC will be a non-voting member of C-13. The president shall appoint three (3) student members for one (1) year terms, one from each panel of two (2) names submitted by Student Government, the Senate of College Councils, and the Graduate Student Assembly. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. The chief information officer or a representative from the central information technology group shall serve as ex officio member without vote. A staff member of UT Libraries shall also serve as ex-officio member without vote. A representative from each of the following shall be selected by the president to serve as an administrative advisor without vote: the Center for Teaching and Learning, Financial and Administrative Services, and department chairs. If the above processes did not produce a member who belongs to both C-13 Information Technology Committee and C-14 Technology-Enhanced Education Oversight Committee, the Committee on Committees shall appoint the Chair of member of C-14 as an ex-officio member of C-13.


 Function. To recommend to the president, the chief information officer, and the Faculty Council changes in policies regarding information technology; to consult with and advise the chief information officer about policies and procedures pertaining to information technology at the University.


  1. Technology-Enhanced Education Oversight Committee (C14)


 Composition. Five (5) voting members of the General Faculty for three (3) year staggered terms appointed by the president through the regular procedures of the Committee on Committees, two (2) staff members for two (2) year staggered terms from college or departmental student development/advising staff (and each from different colleges/schools), and three (3) student members. The president shall appoint one (1) from a panel of two (2) names submitted by the Senate of College Councils, one (1) from a panel of two (2) names submitted by Student Government, and one (1) from a panel of two (2) names submitted by the Graduate Student Assembly. The Graduate Student Assembly panel shall include at least one (1) graduate student who is or has served as an assistant instructor or teaching assistant in an undergraduate course at the University (and all those on the list who meet this criterion shall be indicated). The students shall be from different colleges or schools. Each year the chair of Faculty Council shall appoint two (2) voting members of Faculty Council for one (1) year terms. One (1) of these faculty members should be from the C4-Educational Policy Committee and one from the Faculty Council Executive Committee. Each year the chair of the Graduate Assembly shall appoint one (1) voting member from the Academic Committee of the Graduate Assembly for a one (1) year term. Each fall, the committee shall elect a chair elect who shall be a voting faculty member of the committee, though, if that proves impossible, it shall elect a vice chair as an interim measure, while continuing to seek a chair elect. Each committee shall make an annual report on its work, in writing, to the General Faculty and Faculty Council. Two members of the provost's senior staff and the senior information technology manager shall serve as ex-officio members without vote. The president will appoint at least three representatives from the following list to serve as administrative advisors without vote:


College and School Academic Affairs (Associate/Assistant Dean)
Center for Teaching and Learning

Information Technology Services (ITS)
The Graduate School (Associate/Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs) 
UT Libraries


A faculty or staff member with relevant experience in education technology may be invited by the chair to become a non-voting member of the committee for the academic year, with approval of the majority of its voting members.


 Function. To evaluate and formulate policy on technology-enhanced education and make recommendations on such matters to the Faculty Council. To ensure that initiatives in technology- enhanced education further the University's mission to be a University of the first rank by reviewing the following:


  1. Forms & Tools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

 Faculty Council

  1. History

     January 18, 2024 via Faculty Legislation D 19852- 9855
          Editorial revisions: July 17, 2024

     August 18,2021 via Faculty Legislation D 18785-18789
          Editorial revisions: November 11, 2023

     March, 2021 as amended via Faculty Legislation D 18672-18677

Previously PM 1.503