Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2010

Faculty Titles

Effective July 17, 2024
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost

Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs


  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin (“University”) is governed by The University of Texas System (“UT System”) Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 31001 - Faculty Appointments and Titles, with respect to faculty titles and Rule 31007 - Tenure, with respect to tenure.

  1. Reason for Policy

To establish the types of faculty appointments and available faculty titles at the University in accordance with Regent's Rule 31001 and Rule 31007

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to faculty members and departments, colleges, and schools responsible for appointing faculty.


  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Academic Unit:

Any unit within the University (i.e., department or program in a departmentalized college or school, a program or division in a non-departmentalized college or school, an organized research unit, or interdisciplinary center) that offers courses in support of state-funded, degree programs as a significant element of its mission. (Refer to the University's Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) 2-2120).

Good Cause:

The permissible conduct bases that may support termination of a faculty member who has been granted tenure and all other faculty members before the expiration of the stated period of appointment.

Professional-Track Faculty:

Faculty who are not tenured and are not on the tenure-track. An outdated term used for this set of faculty title series is “non-tenure-track.”

Serious Misconduct:

The permissible conduct bases that may support termination via Summary Dismissal of a faculty member who has been granted tenure and all other faculty members before expiration of the stated period of appointment.

Unit Supervisor:

The head of the relevant academic unit (i.e., department chair for a department, dean for a non-departmentalized college or school, and director of a program, center, or institute).

  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost (Academic Personnel Services)

Phone: 512-232-4590



  1. Responsibilities & Procedures


  1. Track and Appointment Types
  1. Track Types
  1. Tenured: As outlined in Regents’ Rule 31007, tenure denotes a status of continuing appointment as a member of the faculty. Tenure may be granted at the time of appointment to those holding tenure-eligible titles or as a result of a promotion and tenure review in accordance with University policy.   

    The granting of tenure means the entitlement of a faculty member to continue in the faculty member’s academic position, unless dismissed by the institution for Good Cause or Serious Misconduct in accordance with Regents’
    Rule 31008 and HOP 2-2320.
    The granting of tenure may not be construed to create a property interest in any attribute of a faculty position beyond a faculty member’s continuing employment. Continuing employment includes the faculty member’s regular annual salary and any privileges incident to the faculty member’s status as a tenured associate or tenured full professor. The privileges incident to a faculty member’s status as a tenured faculty member are limited to academic freedom and participation in shared governance. Such privileges do not include appointment to an endowed chair or professorship, administrative appointments, specific office space, schedules, course assignments, specific committee assignments, or other aspects of employment unrelated to academic freedom or participation in shared governance.
  1. Tenure-Track: Tenure-track appointments are those in which a faculty member is expected to satisfactorily complete a probationary period of faculty service prior to consideration for tenure. More details about the probationary period can be found in HOP 2-2020.
  1. Professional-Track: Professional-track faculty appointments are not on the tenure track.
  1. Appointment Types
  1. Primary Academic Appointment: Each member of the faculty is required to have a primary academic appointment – regardless of tenure status, track type, faculty title, or percent time – in an academic unit. The academic unit in which the primary academic appointment is housed is responsible for faculty evaluation, faculty development, and other administrative functions related to faculty employment.
  1. Joint Academic Appointment: A member of the faculty may be jointly appointed to more than one academic unit when the faculty member will have significant, ongoing responsibilities for teaching, research, and/or service in more than one academic unit. Joint academic appointments denote a formal relationship between the faculty member and the academic unit in which two academic units have mutually agreed upon, in writing, the terms and conditions of faculty employment and review. Joint academic appointments are typically greater than zero percent time and typically require funding contributions from both academic units.
  1. Courtesy Academic Appointment: Faculty members who contribute to, or have an affiliation with, another academic unit or center/institute may be given a courtesy academic appointment. Courtesy academic appointments do not have percent time and do not require funding contributions from the affiliated unit(s). 
  1. Limits on Appointments
  1. Tenured and tenure-track faculty members must have their primary academic appointment (and joint academic appointment if applicable) within an academic unit that is assigned tenured faculty lines (i.e., in departments in a departmentalized college or school or in a non-departmentalized college or school). Tenured and tenure-track faculty members may hold one or more courtesy appointments within any academic unit and may be appointed into administrative appointments in any unit at the University.
  1. Professional-track faculty members may hold appointments (primary, joint, and/or courtesy) within any academic unit and may be appointed into administrative appointments in any unit at the University. 


  1. Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Titles

The University uses the ranks listed below within the tenure-track title series. For some of the ranks (instructor and assistant professor), the faculty member can only be on the tenure-track whereas for the other ranks a faculty member can be on the tenure-track or tenured (associate professor or professor). 

Other University Policies provide information about the length of probationary service, promotion and tenure for tenure-track faculty, and for faculty appointments (HOP 2-2160).
  1. Instructor (tenure-track)
    This tenure-track title is used when a tenure-track faculty member begins employment at the University but hasn’t yet completed all degree requirements.
  2. Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
  3. Associate Professor (tenure-track or tenured)
  4. Professor (tenure-track or tenured)
  1. Professional Track Faculty Titles

The following professional-track faculty titles are permitted by Regents’ Rule 31001 and in use by the University. Unless otherwise noted, appointments to the following titles may be short-term, two- or three-year fixed term, or two- or three-year rolling term. In addition, appointments may be full- or part- time. (See Section F.2 for information on reappointment to tenure-ineligible titles.) Such appointments shall terminate upon expiration of the stated period of appointment without notification of nonrenewal.

Individual colleges and schools retain discretion over which of the following titles to use within their respective academic units. 

The descriptions below focus on the primary area of specialization relevant to each title series. In addition to the primary area of specialization, professional-track faculty effort can include additional contributions to the academic enterprise.

Except where specified, each professional-track title series consists of three ranks including assistant, associate, and full professor ranks. Note that the three ranks for the lecturer title series are lecturer, senior lecturer, and distinguished senior lecturer, respectively.

Professional-track faculty who are at the assistant professor (or lecturer) rank are expected to have experiences, qualifications or equivalent experience, and trajectory of potential in the relevant primary area of specialization that is comparable to those of tenure-track assistant professors. 

Professional-track faculty who are at the associate professor (or senior lecturer) rank are expected have experiences, qualifications or equivalent experience, and trajectory of potential in the relevant primary area of specialization that is comparable to those of tenured associate professors. 

Professional-track faculty who are at the full professor (or distinguished senior lecturer) rank are expected to have experiences, qualifications or equivalent experience, and trajectory in the relevant primary area of specialization that demonstrate extraordinary contributions, leadership, and the potential for continuing excellence that is comparable to those of tenured full professors.
  1. Lecturer Series: These titles may be used for individuals who are primarily engaged in instructional duties. Colleges and schools have the ability to define additional criteria to distinguish between faculty appointed in the lecturer versus instruction title series.
  1. Instruction Series: These titles may be used for individuals who are primarily engaged in instructional duties. Colleges and schools have the ability to define additional criteria to distinguish between faculty appointed in the lecturer versus instruction title series.
  1. Clinical Series: These titles may be used for individuals appointed to positions while involved in a professional clinical experience program or research (whichever primary area is associated with this title series as defined by the unit).

The Clinical Instructor rank and title is for a faculty member whose appointment is initiated prior to the faculty member completing the highest professional degree, terminal degree, or licensure in the field. Upon completion of the degree or successful licensure, the dean may recommend changing the appointment to the rank of clinical assistant professor. The provost must approve the recommendation for the re-classification. 
  1. Practice Series: These titles may be used for individuals appointed to positions who are qualified to teach, mentor and work in the University by virtue of professional experiences in the discipline’s field of practice. 
  1. Research Series: These titles may be used for individuals appointed for the primary purpose of research, scholarship, and creative activities. 
  1. Professor of (title of specialty), Associate Professor of (title of specialty), Assistant Professor of (title of specialty), and Instructor of (title of specialty). These titles may be used for individuals who are appointed to full-time or part-time positions for the primary purpose of patient care and other service activities, or to full-time or part-time positions for the primary purpose of research activities, even though the individuals may be assigned teaching responsibilities.

Specific use cases of this title series at the University include but are not limited to:
  1. Dell Medical School
  2. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) departments 
  3. Instructor in Clinical Pharmacy
  4. Instructor Postdoctoral in Mathematics
  1. Visiting Series: These titles are used only for temporary appointments of individuals who are either (1) visiting from another institution where they hold the equivalent rank, or (2) hired by a college or school on a trial basis. The duration of such appointments may not exceed two consecutive academic years.
  1. Adjunct Series: These titles may be used when a qualified individual from business, industry, government, private practice, or another institution of higher education is teaching or participating in the teaching of a course, or participating in research or clinical care at the University. Appointments to the adjunct title shall be for a stated period of time, not to exceed one academic year.
  1. Specialist: This title may be used for individuals who will serve as practitioners in specific areas of instruction, training, or supervision. Such appointments are intended to be short-term only.
  1. Adjoint Series: These titles may be used for individuals who serve the University in cooperative or joint programs pursuant to a memorandum of understanding, cooperative research and development agreement, or similar partnership instrument. Individuals holding these titles are employees of and compensated by the partner organization. They are not employees of the University. They, however, do have the same obligations, responsibilities, and authority as faculty employed directly by the University when performing faculty functions pursuant to the agreement. The duration of such appointments shall be specified in the partnership instrument and may not exceed three years.
  1. Faculty Titles: Honorific
  1. Distinguished Teaching Professor: In recognition of significant contributions to education, members of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, while also excelling at their other contributions to the academic enterprise, may use the honorific title “Distinguished Teaching Professor”. The use of this title may be conferred or removed only upon approval by the president (or designee).
  1. Distinguished Service Professor: In recognition of their significant contributions through service to the University or UT System; the profession; and/or the community, state, or nation, while also excelling at their other contributions to the academic enterprise, faculty may use the honorific title “Distinguished Service Professor”. The use of this title may be conferred or removed only upon approval by the president (or designee).
  1. Emeritus Titles: The University recognizes records of distinguished service and distinction by conferring emeritus titles upon retirement. The conferral of emeritus titles, which is governed by HOP 2-2430 (Emeritus Titles), is not automatic upon retirement and may be conferred only upon the approval of the president (or designee).
  1. Administrative Positions
Administrative and faculty titles, duties, and pay rates are distinct and severable. Departure or removal from an administrative position does not impair the individual’s rights and responsibilities as a faculty member.
  1. Forms & Tools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 31001 – Faculty Appointments and Titles

Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 31002 – Notice of Nonrenewal to Nontenured Faculty Members

Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 31006 – Faculty Workload and Reporting Requirements

Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 31007 – Tenure

HOP 2-2170 – Faculty Workload and Reporting Requirements

HOP 2-2210 – Faculty Leaves and Special Academic Assignments

HOP 2-2430 – Emeritus Titles

HOP 2-2320 – Faculty Discipline

HOP 2-2310 – Faculty Grievance Procedure
HOP 9-2010 – Assistant Instructors

HOP 9-2020 – Teaching Assistants

Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost – Prior Approval Request (PAR) Process

Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost – Promotion and Tenure

Graduate School – Academic Employment

Texas Education Code, Section 51.943 – Renewal of Faculty Employment Contracts


  1. History

Origination date: November 1, 1982
Modified: July 17, 2024
        Next scheduled review date: July 2027

Previously HOP 3.15