Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2030

Faculty Residency

Effective December 12, 2023
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs


  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin (University) is primarily an in-person university and the predominant mode of instruction and research is in-person.

  1. Reason for Policy

To establish that all faculty, whether tenured, tenured-track, or professional track, must maintain an in-person presence at their designated work location including a residency requirement.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all faculty employed by the University.


  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Main Campus:

The University’s primary campus location in central Austin.

Other University Location:

A University location other than Main Campus such as the McDonald Observatory, Marine Sciences Institute, UT in Los Angeles, or UT in New York.

Professional-track Faculty:

Faculty who are not tenured and are not on the tenure track. Another term historically used for this faculty title series is “non-tenure-track.”

Proximate Area:

The city of the university location, whether Main Campus or Other University Location, and its surrounding areas that are close enough to the site where the faculty member is assigned to work such that the faculty member can maintain an eight-hour in-person work day while also completing their daily commute to and from the assigned work location.

  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Academic Personnel Services

Phone: 512-471-4363



  1. Responsibilities & Procedures

As an in-person institution, the University will generally  conduct its regular business, including, for example, teaching, research, and meetings, with faculty, staff, and students physically present on campus, except when not feasible due to unforeseen forces of nature, circumstances outside of University control, or when required by law. The Office of the Provost, in administering this Policy, may determine in its discretion that a particular business need exists to permit a different mode for conducting University business. Such instances shall be approved by that office in advance.

  1. For faculty appointments at Main Campus and Other University locations 

 Absent exigent circumstances as determined by the provost and president, or their delegates, faculty appointed for employment on the University’s Main Campus or Other University Locations are expected to maintain a significant in-person presence at their designated work location to fulfill their obligations to students, colleagues, and the University. Faculty appointed for employment shall reside in the Proximate Area of their designated work site for the duration of their appointment and be able to maintain a daily in-person schedule at the assigned work site.


  1. All new academic faculty appointments to the University Main Campus or Other University Locations shall be made contingent upon the faculty member establishing residence in the Proximate Area prior to the start of their appointment and maintaining it for the duration of the appointment. 
  2. For international hires for faculty appointments on the University’s Main Campus or Other University Locations, appointments should be made contingent upon the faculty member obtaining valid U.S. work authorization and establishing residence in the Proximate Area prior to the start date of their appointment and maintaining it for the duration of the appointment.
  3. Exceptions to this Policy must be approved by the provost. The provost may approve an exception to this requirement on the following bases:
    1. Faculty member is exercising academic leave with approval to work and reside outside of the Proximate Area during the period of the leave;
    2. Faculty member is approved to work and live outside of the Proximate Area due to university need; or
    3. Faculty member receives an approved accommodation request, through the usual process administered by the Disability and Access division, for a temporary remote work arrangement and part of the approved accommodation includes working and living outside of the Proximate Area, in an approved location. This basis is intended to cover instances where faculty must relocate for specialized medical treatment; or
    4. The Provost determines that there is good cause and the exception is in the best interest of the University.

Provost determination on exception requests is final and unappealable. 


  1. Timing of Exception and Renewal Requests

In limited circumstances, Faculty may request dean and provost approval for remote work arrangements that allow them to work and reside in locations other than their primary appointment location and related Proximate Area.
  1. Time Limitations. Special limited arrangements will be for a specified period of time. Arrangements that are less than 6 months in length may be renewed at the discretion of the provost. However, a remote work arrangement (including any renewals) may not exceed one academic year.
  2. Renewals. Renewal requests shall be submitted to the relevant dean, in writing, at least 30 days before the expiration of a current special limited arrangement. If the dean recommends approval, the provost will review the renewal request for final determination and notify the faculty member of the final decision at least 7 business days before the expiration of the current arrangement.


  1. Forms & Tools

ADA Employee Accommodations - https://equity.utexas.edu/employee-accommodations/

Faculty Leaves and Special Academic Assignments - https://secure4.compliancebridge.com/utexas/public/getdoc.php?file=2-2210

Faculty Affairs & Academic Personnel Services Portal - https://ut.service-now.com/evpp

  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information


  1. History

Origination date: December 12, 2023
        Next scheduled review date: December, 2026