Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2440

Endowed Academic Positions

Effective March 29, 2021
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs


  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin (University) administers endowed academic positions as delegated by The University of Texas System (UT System) Board of Regents’ Rule 60202.

  1. Reason for Policy

To define the purpose, establishment, oversight, and administration of endowed academic positions.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to units that administer endowed academic positions and the holders of endowed academic positions.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Endowed Academic Position:
An endowed academic position is a distinguished university chair, chair, distinguished professorship, professorship, or fellowship.

Endowed Chair/Professorship:
An endowed chair/professorship - which includes a distinguished university chair, chair, distinguished professorship, and professorship - is a faculty position supported by an endowment from which distributions are dedicated to reasonable salary support, salary supplementation, research support, and/or other professional needs of a faculty member, subject to donor criteria. The holder shall be a faculty member who has demonstrated a distinguished career. The holder is normally named to an endowed chair/professorship for a period of six years. The endowed chair/professorship appointment may be renewable or non-renewable based upon donor criteria and/or college/school appointment policies.

Endowed Fellowship:
An endowed fellowship (or faculty fellowship) is a faculty position supported by an endowment from which distributions are dedicated to reasonable salary support, salary supplementation, research support, and/or other professional needs of a faculty member of any academic rank, subject to donor criteria. The holder will normally be a faculty member who exhibits demonstrated accomplishment or future promise in the intellectual field. The endowed fellowship will be awarded for a specified length of time. The endowed fellowship appointment may be renewable or non-renewable based upon donor criteria and/or college/school appointment policies.


  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost Phone: 512471-4363 Website: 
  1. Responsibilities & Procedures
    1. Purpose of Endowed Academic Positions


Endowed academic positions are intended to promote excellence among the faculty of the University. Faculty holders of endowed academic positions shall have had a distinguished record of excellence (chairs/professorships) or demonstrated accomplishment or future promise in the intellectual field (fellowships). Holders of endowed academic positions shall contribute substantially to the mission and goals of the University, college/school, and/or unit. Holders of endowed academic positions are stewards of the endowment for a defined period of time and are subject to periodic evaluation to ensure satisfactory performance.


  1. Establishment of Endowed Academic Positions
Endowed academic positions are subject to the approval and minimum funding requirements outlined in Regents’ Rule 60202 and relevant UT System and UT Austin policies.



  1. Confidentiality
  1. Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The executive vice president and provost, as delegated by the president, maintains oversight authority of endowments to support faculty positions. The provost (or designee) approves initial and continuing appointments of holders to chairs/professorships. The provost is also responsible for the terms and conditions, including periodic evaluations, of endowed academic position appointments of deans or former deans.
  1. Colleges/Schools. Subject to the parameters described below, deans of individual colleges/schools are responsible for operational oversight and administration of endowed academic positions. The dean (or designee) approves initial and continuing appointments for holders of fellowships and fellows to chairs/professorships.
  1. Administration of Endowed Academic Positions


Each dean is responsible for developing unit-based policies and procedures, subject to approval by the executive vice president and provost, which outline, at a minimum, the following components of operational oversight and administration of endowed academic positions. In addition, the applicability of unit-based policies and procedures to individual endowed academic positions is subject to donor criteria. In the event of a conflict, donor criteria shall take precedence.

  1. Selection Criteria
Selection criteria shall recognize a distinguished record of excellence (chairs/professorships) or demonstrated accomplishment or future promise in the intellectual field (fellowships). The selection criteria shall account for a prospective holder’s ability to contribute substantially to the mission and goals of the University, college/school, and/or department. Indicators of excellence shall be stated for each type of endowed academic position.
  1. Nomination and Appointment
Nomination and appointment procedures shall be clearly stated. The nomination process shall solicit input from faculty and academic leadership. Appointments are at the discretion of the dean, and for chairs/professorships, subject to approval by the executive vice president and provost (or designee).
  1. Periodic Review
Periodic review procedures shall be clearly stated. Such review shall normally occur in conjunction with existing performance appraisal processes, such as annual evaluation (for fellowships) and/or comprehensive periodic review (for chairs/professorships).
  1. Use of Endowment Distributions
Allowable uses for endowment distributions shall be clearly stated. Per Regents’ Rule 60202, distributions may be used for:
  1. Chair/Professorship: A reasonable amount of salary support (to be specified in unit-based policies), salary supplementation, and/or other professional support of the holder, including assistance in the holder's research program. A minimal portion of the distribution may be used to support college/school strategic priorities, according to the purpose of the endowment. Such use must not impair the ability of the endowment to reasonably support the holder and fulfill the purpose of the endowment.
  1. Fellowship: A reasonable amount of salary support, salary supplementation, and/or other professional support of the fellow. The endowed fellowship may also be used to provide temporary support (not to exceed one academic year) for activities outlined in Regents’ Rule 60202 (Section 5).

If allegations or concerns are raised about the use or misuse of endowment distributions by the holder, the University, college/school, and/or department may conduct an immediate financial audit to determine whether the use of endowment distributions complies with donor criteria, University policies, UT System policies, and/or Board of Regents' rules and regulations.
  1. Accumulated Balances/Reinvestment
Guidelines for the oversight and use of accumulated balances shall be clearly stated, including a schedule by which endowments are reviewed. Subject to unit-based policies, no more than three years of endowment distributions may be held as accumulated balances.
  1. Stewardship
Stewardship expectations for endowed academic positions shall be clearly stated, including periodic communication with donors.


  1. Forms & Tools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

Board of Regents’ Rule 60202 – Endowed Academic Positions

HOP 3-2031 - Gifts: Solicitation, Acceptance, and Management

UT System Policy UTS 117 - Endowment Compliance Plan Systemwide Standards and Guidelines


  1. History

Origination date: March 29, 2021
      Next scheduled review: March 2023