Handbook of Operating Procedures 3-1211

International Travel

Effective February 13, 2024
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Global Engagement


  1. Policy Statement

The health, safety, and security of employees and students traveling abroad is one of the highest of priorities at UT Austin.

  1. Reason for Policy

This policy provides a framework of institutional oversight that promotes the health, safety, and security of The University of Texas at Austin (the University) travelers abroad. University leadership, emergency responders, and support functions must be aware of every employee, student, and officially approved guest/volunteer who is traveling abroad on university-sponsored business in order to provide emergency medical and security assistance at all times. This Policy complies with The University of Texas System (UT System) Policy UTS 190 International Travel .

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and official guests/volunteers participating in University-sponsored international travel. All related procedures and policies can be found at https://global.utexas.edu/risk/travel.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

International Travel:
Travel outside of the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii, which includes travel to U.S. territories (e.g., Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, etc.) and U.S. Minor Outlying Islands (e.g., Midway Islands, Baker Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, etc.).

Official Guest/Volunteer:
Any individual invited and authorized by the college, school, or unit to participate in University-sponsored travel.

Restricted Region:
Any country or region of a country requiring preapproval to travel as determined by UTS 190 and the UT Austin International Oversight Committee (IOC).  This includes regions where (1) the U.S. State Department has issued a Travel Advisory Level 4:  Do Not Travel or Level 3:  Reconsider Travel, (2) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued its highest Travel Health Notice Level advising against travel; or (3) the International Oversight Committee has deemed significant health, safety, or security risks are present in accordance with Section VII.7.3. of this Policy.

University-Sponsored Travel:
Any educational or business travel that is UT-sponsored, UT-administered, UT-organized, or conducted within one’s capacity as a UT representative, regardless of credit or funding. This includes any student, faculty, staff, medical resident/fellow, and official guests/volunteers traveling on any educational or business travel including but not limited to:

  1. teaching and lectures;
  2. conferences, competitions, seminars, or meetings;
  3. research, experiments, or expeditions;
  4. field work or studies;
  5. performances or exhibitions;
  6. class field trips;
  7. education abroad programs, including short courses;
  8. student exchange programs;
  9. internships, externships, clerkships, or practicums;
  10. service learning opportunities;
  11. volunteer, experiential, or work programs organized, endorsed, or promoted by UT;
  12. medical rotations; and
  13. registered and sponsored student organization trips.

Prohibited Individuals:
The following do not fall within the scope of university-sponsored travel include:

  1. Contractors and non-employees;
  2. Unofficial/unapproved guests (e.g. dependents, parents, friends, etc.);
  3. Online course(s) taken from abroad.


  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Texas Global Risk and Safety Phone: 512-471-0341 Website:

  1. Responsibilities & Procedures


  1. The University assesses the health, safety, and security risks of University-sponsored international travel, with special consideration for high risk travel.  The University will provide information to UT travelers about policies, procedures, and requirements for international travel.


  1. University travelers must assess and mitigate health, safety, and security risks when engaging in University-sponsored international travel.  University travelers must register and receive approval prior to engaging in any University-sponsored international travel. University travelers must abide by all University and UT System policies and procedures, as well as any relevant United States and international laws governing international travel.


  1. Students must comply with this policy, the Student Travel Policy for International Locations, and the University’s requirements for health, disciplinary clearance, and overseas insurance.


  1. Faculty and staff engaging in University-sponsored travel must comply with the procedures for Faculty and Staff Travel issued by Texas Global. Faculty and staff leading students abroad on education abroad programs must also comply with the procedures set forth in the Texas Global Faculty Handbook.


  1. The University may cancel or suspend any international activity; require university employees or students to depart their international location; or take other appropriate action; due to health, safety, or other concerns, including, but not limited to, academic and disciplinary misconduct.


  1. The University will refer noncompliant students to Office of the Dean of Students for possible disciplinary action. Noncompliant faculty/staff will be referred to their college/school administration and may be ineligible to be reimbursed for travel expenses.


  1. The University shall establish an International Oversight Committee in accordance with UTS 190


  1. The IOC members are appointed by the University president.  The Senior Vice Provost for Global Engagement (SVPGE) is appointed as the IOC Chair and has final decision-making authority for any decisions or approvals delegated to the IOC.  


  1. The IOC recommends policies and procedures and oversees institutional efforts to facilitate registration of University-sponsored travel with UT System’s emergency assistance provider prior to departure.


  1. The IOC reviews and approves all University-sponsored travel to restricted regions. The IOC has the authority to designate a country or region of a country as a restricted region. 
  1. The IOC, in coordination with other appropriate departments or individuals as designated by the President, if applicable, is responsible for travel suspension decisions and oversight of international crisis response. Individuals designated to act as a crisis response team for major international emergencies are not required to be IOC members, but the IOC is responsible for overseeing this crisis response function and any resulting evacuation decisions.


  1. Forms & Tools

To access important resources to prepare for travel abroad, visit the following Texas Global web pages.

International Travel Policies
International Travel Process
Health and Safety Predeparture Resources
Faculty and Staff International Travel
Restricted Regions Travel


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

UT System Policy UTS 190 - International Travel Policy

  1. History

Origination date: February 13, 2024 
           Next scheduled review: February 2027

This policy supersedes the following IOC policy memorandums: