Handbook of Operating Procedures 3-1610

University Identification Card

Effective April 12, 2017
Executive Sponsor: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Owner: Chief Information Officer


  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin ("University") issues photo identification cards ("ID card") to employees, students, University affiliates, and other individuals required to validate their relationship with the University to verify identity and manage access to University services and facilities.

Individual issued an ID card are expected to maintain possession and control of this card at all times and keep it in their possession while on University premises. Institutional representatives of the University may require presentation of an individual's University ID card while conducting duties for the University. 


  1. Reason for Policy

To affirm the University's ID card as the official visual and electronic identification for employees, students, University affiliates, and other individuals required to validate their identity and relationship with the University as well as to provide clarity on how the ID card is issued, replaced, used, and managed.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to employees, students, retired employees, emeritus faculty, University affiliates, and other individuals required to validate their relationship with the University.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Authorized Representative:

Any member of The University of Texas System (UT System) Board of Regents, any executive or administrative officer of the UT System Administration or UT System institutions, public safety officers, and any secondary delegate as determined by the rules promulgated by UT System or the University.

University facilities or premises:

Any property owned by the University or which the University leases from another entity, whether located on the main campus, Pickle Research Campus, or off campus.

University ID card:

The official University ID card includes a recognizable facial photo and the cardholder's name. Each new card must have a bar code, proximity chip, and magnetic strip.

  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




ID Center 
(located on first floor of Flawn Academic Center)


Phone: 512-471-4334;

or UT Service Desk 512-475-9400


ID Center (UT EID login required)

Email: id_center@utlists.utexas.edu

  1. Responsibilities & Procedures
    1. Official Identification


  1. The University recognizes the photo ID card as official identification for use of University services, facilities, and other purposes described in this policy.


  1. Individuals issued the University ID card may have only one card in their possession.


  1. Eligibility for an ID Card. Individuals falling in any of these categories are eligible for issuance of an ID card:



  1. Issuance of ID Card


  1. New employees and students will be issued an ID card upon appointment or enrollment at the University.


  1. Other individuals may be issued an ID card with proper verification of identity and authorization from a University department. The president, vice presidents, deans, directors, department chairs, or their designees, have authority to authorize affiliates such as visiting scientists, contractors, vendors, or other non-University personnel. Individuals authorized as affiliates will be issued an ID card.


  1. Proof of Identity. Identification documents must be presented before an ID card will be issued. Documentation must be issued from an appropriate governmental agency and include a facial photographic color image and the individual's eye color. A list of government-approved identification documents is available at the valid government-issued photo ID website (UT EID login required). Other documentation may be acceptable on an exception basis in special circumstances.


Identification information is collected for production of the ID card and may be used by the University to verify identity, support the safety and security of campus resources, and support the mission of the University. All institutional use of this information is subject to review and approval by the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs.


Identification information collected:



  1. Intended Use of ID Card


  1. The ID card is intended for use as a visual and electronic identification, validation, and authentication credential for authorized access to services and facilities. The University's ID card is the property of the University and may be confiscated, deactivated, and/or invalidated by the University upon expiration of its intended use.
  1. The ID card may also be used as a debit card for Bevo Bucks and must comply with all related regulations and safeguards for such use.


  1. The ID card will be used to verify the identity of the bearer of the card while on University grounds. In the interest of public safety and security, no person will be issued an ID card without a recognizable facial photograph or digital image. Upon request of an Authorized Representative, an individual on University premises must provide their University ID card to establish their identification and affiliation with the University.


  1. Loss of Eligibility


Individuals lose eligibility to use the University's ID card when they no longer qualify as a member of a category listed above. Upon loss of eligibility, the individual's ID card must be surrendered to an employee's supervisor, Human Resource, or the ID Center.


  1. Card Replacement


  1. Lost or Stolen ID Card. Individuals who have lost their University ID card or have had it stolen should report it immediately so it can be deactivated. More information is available at the ID Center website or by calling the UT Service Desk at 512-475-9400.


  1. Other Causes for Replacement. ID cards will be replaced for other reasons (broken card, name change, non-functioning electronic strip). The original ID card, if in the possession of the individual, must be returned to the ID Center. Individuals may seek further information about replacement steps on the ID Center website (UT EID login required).
  1. If an ID card is found, it must be returned to the ID Center.


  1. Fees. The University will set requirements and fees for ID card replacement which may include an additional card penalty fee for multiple replacements within a certain period. Replacement costs are the responsibility of the individual. Further information about this process may be found on the ID Center website.


  1. Unauthorized Use of ID Card


  1. The ID card is nontransferable. Only the person to whom the ID card is issued is eligible to use the ID card for authorized purposes.


  1. ID cards must not be misused, defaced, modified, altered, tampered with, or deliberately damaged.


  1. Any transfer, misuse, alteration, falsification, forgery, or fraudulent or illegal use of an ID card may result in the University taking disciplinary action and/or initiating criminal prosecution.


  1. Forms & Tools

ID Center (UT EID login required)

Lost/Stolen ID Deactivation (UT EID login required)

  1. Frequently Asked Questions

ID Center (UT EID login required)

  1. Related Information

Regents' Rule 80101 - Category of Facilities and Authorized Users


  1. History

Original publish date: 4/12/2017
   Editorial edits: 9/30/2021
   Editorial edits: 8/27/24

Next scheduled review: April 2024