Handbook of Operating Procedures 4-1250

Performing Arts Center - Special Use Facility

Effective January 29, 2024
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Executive & Artistic Director, Texas Performing Arts


  1. Policy Statement

The Performing Arts Center ("Performing Arts Center") at the University of Texas at Austin ("University") is designated as a Special Use Facility as authorized by the president of the University and pursuant to The University of Texas System ("UT System") Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80106.

Designation as a Special Use Facility shall not constitute the facility a public facility or forum that is open to use by individuals, groups, associations or corporations on a first-come, first-served basis.


  1. Reason for Policy

To set forth the rules and regulations for the reservation and use of certain Designated Areas of the Performing Arts Center as a special use facility of the University.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all University employees, students, departments, and organizations that wish to reserve and use Designated Areas of the Performing Arts Center. The policy also applies to any individuals, groups, associations, or corporations that are not affiliated with the University and wish to reserve and use Designated Areas of the Performing Arts Center.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Designated Area(s):
Area(s) of the Performing Arts Center available for reservation as determined by the Executive & Artistic Director of Texas Performing Arts, subject to execution of an appropriate Texas Performing Arts Performance or Facility Use Agreement.

Joint Sponsorship:

An activity in which both the University and a non-University group, association, corporation or individual are sponsors, subject to execution of an appropriate Texas Performing Arts Performance or Facility Use Agreement.
    1. Website (for policy)


    1. Contacts




    Texas Performing Arts

    Phone: (512) 471-1038



    1. Responsibilities & Procedures


    1. Priorities for Use of Designated Areas

    Determination of eligibility and priority shall be made by the Executive & Artistic Director of Texas Performing Arts. The following priorities will apply for the reservation and use of Designated Areas of the Performing Arts Center.
    1. University Events

    Programs and activities in furtherance of the University's athletic, educational, recreational, cultural programs and other official activities shall have priority in the reservation and use of the Performing Arts Center. Use requires execution of an appropriate Texas Performing Arts Facility Use or Performance Agreement ("Use Agreement").

    Among University programs, the following priorities in reservation and use shall apply, in order:

    • Texas Performing Arts program events
    • Programs for which Texas Performing Arts is a co-sponsor
    • Programs of other University departments
    • Programs sponsored by University departments, schools, colleges, and units.
    1. Use By Non-University Individuals and Entities
    If available, Designated Areas in the Performing Arts Center may be reserved by Non-University individuals and entities (groups; associations; corporations; registered student, staff, or faculty organizations) without the necessity of joint sponsorship. See Regents' Rules and RegulationsRule 80105. Reservations within this group of non-University users will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. The non-University user must execute a Facilities Use Agreement for such use.


    1. General Rules for Use
    1. Texas Performing Arts reserves the right to deny any request to use a Designated Area if it is determined, in Texas Performing Arts’ sole discretion, there is insufficient time to adequately prepare for the proposed event or it does not meet the criteria for use of the Special Use Facility.
    1. Any proposed use of the Performing Arts Center must be appropriate and suited to the size, structure, purpose and operating costs of the facility. There must be good reason to expect that a proposed event will attract a substantial number of participants or attendees or that it will require facilities unique to the Performing Arts Center or which are otherwise unavailable in the community. All proposed events must be conducted in accordance with applicable state and Federal laws and regulations as well as the rules, regulations and policies of the University and UT System Regents' Rules and Regulations. Users must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of Texas Performing Arts, that they have the staff, experience, contracting authority, financial status and other qualifications necessary for carrying out the proposed event in a satisfactory manner. All use shall comply with the terms and conditions of the Use Agreement.
    1. Designated areas of the Performing Arts Center may be used for religious or political events subject to all constitutional and statutory provisions related to the use of state property or funds for such purposes
    1. The Performing Arts Center may be used for weddings, subject to Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80108.
    1. Upon approval by the president of the University, or his or her designee, the Designated Areas may be used for:
    • the rental of space for display of advertising and the display of samples of merchandise inside the facility; and
    • advertising by display or on electronic marquee or message center.
    1. Texas Performing Arts may provide for sale of advertising space:
      1. on ticket material for events sponsored by Texas Performing Arts; and
      2. in publications issued by Texas Performing Arts in connection with sponsored events.
    1. The Use Agreement contains additional general rules of use.


    1. Costs, Reservations, Cancellations
    1. The current fee schedule for use of the Designated Areas is available from Texas Performing Arts.
    1. Reservations may be made through Texas Performing Arts, which will determine eligibility, priority, and availability of the Designated Area pursuant to this policy. Information regarding reservations is available on the Texas Performing Arts website.
    1. Reservations will be confirmed upon execution of the Use Agreement and the University's receipt of any required deposit. A deposit is not required for government users.
    1. Cancellation of a confirmed reservation must be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the executed Use Agreement.


    1. Insurance
    1. Non-governmental users may be required to obtain liability insurance covering personal injury or death and property damage for claims resulting from the use of the Performing Arts Center. The insurance must meet all coverage requirements mandated by the University of Texas System Office of Risk Management.
    1. Financial Policies
    1. University Events
      1. University users whose events generate excess income over expenses, including the fee for use of any Designated Area(s), may retain such excess income with prior approval of the president or his or her designee. The sponsoring University department will absorb any losses when the expense of its event exceeds any income generated.
      2. For a jointly-sponsored event, the fee to be paid by the invited individual, group, association, or corporation will be a matter for negotiation in each case and will be specified in the Use Agreement providing for the joint sponsorship. At a minimum, the fee must ensure recovery of the cost incurred by the University.
    2. Non-University Events
      1. Fees for non-University users are set at rates which will, at a minimum, ensure recovery of the cost directly or indirectly incurred by the University for that event.
    1. Other Conditions of Use
    Additional terms and conditions regarding the use of the Designated Areas are set forth in the Use Agreement entered into by and between the University and the Facility user.
    1. Forms & Tools

    Texas Performing Arts Facility Rental Information

    1. Frequently Asked Questions


    1. Related Information

    Regents' Rules and RegulationsRule 80105 – Joint Sponsorship of the Use of Property or Buildings

    Regents' Rules and RegulationsRule 80106 – Special Use Facilities

    Regent's Rules and Regulations, Rule 80108 – Use of Facilities for Weddings


    1. History

    Modified date: January 29, 2024
          Next scheduled review: January 2027

    Origination date: October 01, 1979