Handbook of Operating Procedures 4-1251

Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art - Special Use Facility

Effective November 11, 2013
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Director, Blanton Museum of Art


  1. Policy Statement

The Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art ("Blanton") at the University of Texas at Austin ("University") is designated as a Special Use Facility as authorized by the president of the University and pursuant to The University of Texas System Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80106.


Designation as a Special Use Facility shall not constitute the facility a public facility or forum that is open to use by individuals, groups, associations or corporations on a first-come, first-served basis.

  1. Reason for Policy

This policy sets forth rules and regulations for the reservation and use of certain designated areas of the Blanton as a University Special Use Facility.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all employees and those non-University individuals, organizations and associations wishing to reserve and use designated areas of the Blanton.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Designated Area(s):

Area(s) of the Blanton available for reservation as determined by the director, Blanton Museum of Art subject to execution of an appropriate Blanton Museum of Art Facility Use Agreement.


Joint Sponsorship:

An activity in which both the University and a non-University group, association, corporation or individual are sponsors.

  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Blanton Museum of Art Finance & Administration Office


Phone: (512) 471-8792





  1. Responsibilities & Procedures
    1. Priorities for Use of Blanton


The following priorities will apply to the reservation and use of designated areas of the Blanton:


  1. University Events


University programs and activities related to the University's educational and cultural programs shall have priority in the reservation and use of the Blanton. Use requires execution of a Blanton Museum of Art Facility Use Agreement ("Use Agreement").


Among University programs, the following priorities in reservation and use shall apply, in order:



  1. Use by Non-University Groups and Individuals


If available, non-University groups, associations, corporations or individuals may reserve and use designated areas in the Blanton without the necessity of joint sponsorship with the Blanton. See Regents' Rule 80105. Reservations within this group of non-University users will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Such use shall require the non-University user's execution of a Use Agreement.


  1. General Rules of Use


  1. Any proposed use of the Blanton must be appropriate and must be suited to the Blanton's size and structure as determined by the Blanton, in the Blanton's sole discretion. All use shall comply with the terms and conditions of the Use Agreement.


  1. The Blanton reserves the right to deny any request to use a designated area if it is determined, in Blanton's sole discretion, there is insufficient time to adequately prepare for the proposed event.


  1. Designated areas of the Blanton may be used for religious or political events subject to all constitutional and statutory provisions related to the use of state property or funds for such purposes.


  1. Upon approval of the president of the University, or his or her designee, rental of space of the designated areas of the Blanton may provide for:


  1. The Blanton may provide for sale of advertising space:


  1. The Use Agreement contains additional general rules of use.


  1. Costs, Reservations and Cancelations


  1. A copy of the Blanton's current approved fee schedule is available from the Blanton.


  1. Reservations may be made through the Blanton, which shall determine eligibility, priority, and availability of the rental location pursuant to this policy. Information regarding reservations can be found at: https://blantonmuseum.org/welcome-to-the-blanton-museum-of-art/.


  1. Reservations will be confirmed upon execution of the Use Agreement and Blanton's receipt of any required deposit (deposit not required for government clients).


  1. Cancelation of a reservation shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the executed Use Agreement.


  1. Insurance


Non-governmental users may be required to obtain liability insurance covering personal injury or death and property damage for claims resulting from the use of the Blanton.


  1. Financial Policies


  1. University Events


  1. University users whose events generate excess income over expenses, including the fee for use of the Blanton, may retain such excess with prior approval of the president or his or her designee. The sponsoring University administrative department shall absorb any losses when   the expense of its event exceeds any income generated.


  1. Any event jointly sponsored with the Blanton shall be at the invitation of the University. Such events require the prior approval of the president or his or her designee. The educational implications of the proposed jointly sponsored event must be evident, and must directly supplement the educational purpose or mission of the University. The proposed jointly  sponsored event must not result in financial gain for the invited individual, group, association    or corporation, and must comply with The University of Texas System Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80105 and any other applicable laws, rules and/or regulations.


  1. Non-University Events


  1. Fees for non-University users are set at rates that will, at a minimum, ensure recovery of the cost directly or indirectly incurred by the University for that event.


  1. If the non-University user charges an admission or registration fee, or accepts donations from those in attendance, the non-University user shall provide to the Blanton a complete account of all funds collected and of the actual costs of the event. If the funds collected exceed the actual cost of the event, the non-University user shall be required to remit such excess funds to the University as an additional charge for use of the rented space. Any exceptions to this  requirement must be approved by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System.


  1. Other Conditions of Use


Additional terms and conditions regarding the use of the Blanton are set forth in the Use Agreement entered into by and between the University and the renter/licensee.

  1. Forms & Tools

 Blanton Museum Facility Rental


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

Board of Regents' Rule 80105 - Joint Sponsorship of the Use of Property or Buildings

Board of Regents' Rule 80106 - Special Use Facilities

  1. History

Origination date: November 11, 2013
     Editorial revisions: January 25, 2023

Next scheduled review: January 2026