Handbook of Operating Procedures 4-1320

UTNY - Special Use Facility

Effective March 03, 2023
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Dean of the Moody College of Communication

  1. Policy Statement

The UTNY Center  (New York) of The University of Texas at Austin (“University”) is designated as a Special Use Facility as authorized by The University of Texas System (“UT System”) Regents’ Rules and RegulationsRule 80106.

UTNY is not a public facility or forum that is open to use by individuals, groups, associations, or corporations on a first-come, first-served basis.


  1. Reason for Policy

This policy sets forth rules and regulations for the reservation and use of certain Designated Areas of the UTNY Center.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all employees and those non-University individuals, organizations and associations wishing to reserve and use Designated Areas of UTNY Center.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Designated Area(s):
Area(s) of UTNY Center available for reservation as determined by the UTNY Executive Director, subject to execution of a use contract or memorandum of agreement.

Joint Sponsorship:

An activity in which both the University and a non-University group, association, corporation or individual are sponsors.
  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Executive Director of UTLA and UTNY


  1. Responsibilities & Procedures


  1. Priorities for Use of Designated Areas

The following priorities shall apply to the reservation and use of Designated Areas of UTNY Center.
  1. University Events

University programs and activities related to the University’s educational and cultural programs shall have priority in the reservation and use of the UTNY Center. Use requires execution of a use contract or memorandum of agreement.

Among University programs, the following priorities in reservation and use shall apply, in order:

  1. Programs of UTNY
  2. Programs sponsored by University President’s Office or Provost’s Office
  3. Programs sponsored by University departments, schools, colleges, and units providing financial support to UTNY
  4. Programs jointly-sponsored by UTNY
  5. Programs sponsored by University departments, schools, and colleges and official University agencies or departments
  6. Programs sponsored by Registered Student Organizations and Registered Faculty or Staff Organizations, are subject to the same conditions as are applicable to non-University users
  1. Non-University Users
If available, non-University groups, associations, corporations or individuals may reserve and use Designated Areas in the UTNY Center without the necessity of joint sponsorship with the UTNY Center as provided by Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rules 80105, 80106. Reservations within this group of non-University users will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Such use shall require the non-University user's execution of a use contract or memorandum of agreement. The UTNY Executive Director must secure landlord consent prior to any sublet to a non-University user.


  1. Reservations

Application for use of the UTNY Center shall be made to the UTNY Executive Director or the Executive Director’s delegates.
  1. Eligibility and Priority
Determination of eligibility and priority shall be made by of the UTNY Executive Director. Any application, regardless of its date, may be denied if it is determined, in the UTNY Executive Director’s sole discretion, that there is insufficient time to prepare adequately for the proposed event.
  1. Tentative Reservations
Tentative reservations may be made for proposed events. Such reservations may be canceled by the UTNY Executive Director if, at the time a second reservation request is made for the date, the prior applicant fails to show appropriate evidence that the reservation will be used or if an applicant with higher priority makes an application and has a valid use for the facility.
  1. Confirmed Reservations
Tentative reservations become confirmed upon execution of a pre-approved University use contract or memorandum of agreement. Confirmed reservations are not subject to cancelation except when the user fails to comply with the terms of the reservations, fails to comply with the conditions stated herein, fails to show adequate financial resources for presentation of the event, is not willing or able to adequately perform all required duties and responsibilities related to the event, or similar cause.
  1. Identification of Sponsor
The user may not assign or delegate any control or responsibility to any other user or co-sponsor, agent or third party without prior written approval of the UTNY Executive Director. All users or co-sponsors of an event must be clearly identified before confirmation of a reservation. Reservations for presenting one event may not be used for presenting a different event without written approval by the Executive Director of the UTNY Center.
  1. Assignment of Reservations
No reservation, tentative or confirmed, may be assigned in whole or in part.
  1. Religious and Political Events
Designated Areas of UTNY may be used for religious or political events subject to all constitutional and statutory provisions related to the use of state property or funds for such purposes.


  1. Fees

The current approved use fee schedule will be available in the Office of the Executive Director of the UTNY Center. Fees for non-University users are established at rates that will, at a minimum, ensure recovery of that part of the operating cost of the facility that is attributable directly or indirectly to such non-University use.
  1. Deposit. An advance deposit, as specified in the use fee schedule, is required for confirmation of reservations for an event sponsored by a non-University organization.
  1. Bond and Insurance. Non-University users of the facility may be required to provide a contract performance bond. They shall be required to provide liability insurance covering injury to persons, including those resulting in death, and property damage insurance, including damage to the UTNY Center, in amounts and under policies satisfactory to the Office of Risk Management at the University. Copies of such policies shall be furnished no later than 30 days before the event and in all cases before announcement of the event.


  1. All news releases, handbills, advertisements, television and radio announcements or other media utilized to inform the public of a non-University event, including events by Registered Student Organizations and Registered Faculty and Staff Organizations, to be held in the UTNY Center must carry a disclaimer, approved by the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs, to the effect that use of University facilities is not an endorsement of the event or the sponsoring organization by the University.
  1. Other Conditions of Use
Additional terms and conditions regarding the use of the UTNY Center may be set forth in use contract or memorandum of agreement entered into by and between the University and the renter/licensee.
  1. Forms & Tools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

Regents' Rules and RegulationsRule 80105 – Joint Sponsorship of the Use of Property or Buildings

Regents' Rules and RegulationsRule 80106 – Special Use Facilities


  1. History

Origination date: March 03, 2023
      Next scheduled review: March 2026