Handbook of Operating Procedures 5-3020

Classified Pay Plan

Effective June 27, 2019
Executive Sponsor: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Owner: Associate Vice President for Human Resources



  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin ("University") maintains a classification plan to accurately reflect current duties, responsibilities, and work requirements of classified positions. The classification plan, maintained by Human Resources ("HR"), groups positions into the same class which involve substantially the same type of work, substantially equivalent difficulty and responsibility, and comparable experience and training requirements.

  1. Reason for Policy
  To provide guidelines for outside employment activities in accordance with state law and the Rules and Regulations of the UT System Board of Regents.


  1. Scope & Audience
  This policy applies to all classified employees.


  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Classified Pay Plan:

a structure for classifying positions into occupational families that do not have the assignment of significant instructional responsibilities or responsibilities for the administration of instructional or research  organizations. This classified pay plan provides a framework for the assignment of job titles, job class codes, Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") category, Equal Employment Opportunity ("EEO") codes, salary grade, and range.

Classified Positions:

positions that do  not entail significant instructional responsibilities or responsibilities  for the  administration of instructional or research organization, with similar qualifications, requirements, and level of responsibility grouped together in occupational job families which, when organized hierarchically, create a classified pay plan structure.


an involuntary change in duty assignment of an employee in one classification to a position in another classification with a lower minimum rate of pay.

Equal Employment Opportunity Code:

the numeric code assigned to each job title based on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") job group definitions.

Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"):

federal legislation that sets minimum wage, overtime pay, equal pay, record keeping, and child labor standards for employees who are covered by the FLSA and are not exempt from specific provisions.

Fair Labor Standards Act Category:

the designation of a job that indicates whether it is exempt from, or subject to, the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.


the grouping of tasks, duties, and responsibilities assigned to one or more positions. A job refers to the tasks, duties, and responsibilities rather than the quality of work performed.

Job Code:

the unique numeric or alpha-numeric designation assigned to a specific job title, occupational group, or title series within the occupational group to which the title is assigned.

Job Description:

summary of major duties and critical tasks that identifies the minimum qualifications such as education, experience, competencies, and certifications required for a classification. Preferred qualifications may also be included.

Job Titles:

a title assigned to describe the work performed and the relative level of a position, subject to the salary administration and classification guidelines of, and included, in the classified pay plan.


current duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated by competent authority requiring full or part-time employment of one person.


change in duty assignment to a classified position in a salary group with a higher minimum salary rate and requiring higher qualifications, such as greater skill or longer experience, which involves a higher level of responsibility.

Regular Employee:

an employee who is compensated on a monthly, weekly, or hourly basis, and who is expected to maintain continued employment or have continuous employment until a fixed end date as part of the regular working force of the University. This includes benefits and non-benefits eligible employees.

Salary Range:

the span from minimum to maximum that constitutes a pay or salary grade established for a particular job or job code. A salary range must include a minimum and maximum and may include a midpoint. Each established range of pay will be gross compensation for full-time service in any class assigned to that range.

Standard Occupational Classification ("SOC"):

the system used by the federal statistical agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data.

  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts





Human Resources


Phone: 512-475-7200


h ttp://hr.utexas.edu/index.php

  1. Responsibilities & Procedures
    1. Human Resources ("HR") administers and maintains the compensation plan for classified titles, which consists of the following elements:
  1. Job Titles:


  1. No person will be appointed to or employed in a position in the classified service under a title not included in the classification plan.


  1. Should the proposed position require establishment of a job title not in the current Classified Pay Plan, the designated HR representative will review and approve a job title for inclusion in the Classified Pay Plan.


  1. Official job titles will be used in all personnel, accounting, budget appropriation, and financial records. However, internal working titles may be used in connection with departmental routine to indicate functional authority status or administrative rank within the work unit.


  1. Job Codes:


HR establishes a uniform system for designating job codes for titles, occupational groups, or title series within the occupational group to which the title is assigned.


  1. Salary Ranges:


  1. HR maintains the salary range for classified positions.


  1. Established pay ranges will be gross compensation for full-time service in classes assigned to that range.


  1. Salaries for classified employees follows the compensation policies and guidance from HR.


  1. Job Descriptions:


  1. HR provides current, accurate, written descriptions for job codes in the classification plan. Job code descriptions include a title, description of the duties and responsibilities of the work, and states the minimum qualifications a person should possess to enable successful performance of the duties of the position.


  1. Job codes are determined by the job description, attributes of the job code, such as duties, specific tasks, responsibilities, qualification requirements, and relationships to other job classifications. The job classification decision is based on which job code best matches the position attributes.


  1. Fair Labor Standards Act Category:


HR reviews and determines if a job classification is exempt from, or subject to, the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.


  1. Equal Employment Opportunity Code: HR assigns the EEO code to job titles.
  2. Standard Occupational Classification ("SOC") Code:


HR reviews and determines the appropriate occupational category to assign a classified position for the purpose of collecting, calculating or disseminating data to federal statistical agencies.

  1. Index:


HR creates and maintains an index which includes classified titles for occupational job families in the pay plan.


  1. Compensation Policies:


HR establishes and maintains the compensation policies for the University in accordance with state statutes, federal law, Regents' Rules, and UT System policies.


  1. Amendment of Plan


The associate vice president for HR administers the classification plan and makes amendments to the classification plan on an annual basis as changes in organization and assignments of work require.

  1. Forms & Tools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

 Fair Labor Standards Act  

 Equal Employment Opportunity
Pay Plan and Job Codes  

 Standard Occupational Classification 

UT System Policy UTS133

Board of Regents'  Rule 30101

  1. History

Origination date: 6/27/2019