Handbook of Operating Procedures 9-1720

Student Participation in Selection and Monitoring of Food Service Contractors

Effective March 30, 2021
Executive Sponsor: Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Owner: Assistant Vice President of Purchasing and Payment Services

  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin (University) is committed to engaging student participation in the selection and monitoring of food services vendors that contract to provide regular and ongoing food or beverage for students on campus.


  1. Reason for Policy

To provide the roles and responsibilities to the University community for compliance with state law (Texas Education Code, Section 51.945) and The University of Texas System (UT System) Regents’ Rule 50302.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all University employees and students, and applies to food service vendors as defined below. This policy excludes contracts with vendors for concessions at athletic facilities, food services for special events, hospital food services and faculty/staff dining facilities.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)

Food Service Vendor:
a vendor who contracts with the University to provide food and/or beverage services located in, or in conjunction with student unions, residence halls, campus cafeterias and vending machines.


  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Purchasing Office


Phone: 512-471-4266




Business Contracts Administrator

Phone: 512-471-8200
Fax:  512-471-7742



Office of the Dean of Students

Phone: 512-471-5017



Parking and Transportation Services (Vending)

Phone: 512-471-7562



  1. Responsibilities & Procedures
    1. Initial Selection or Renewal


The University will seek meaningful input from its students in the initial selection and renewal of a contract with a food service vendor, including input in the development and desired qualifications of food service providers.


  1. Continued Input


The University will gain a commitment from each food service vendor providing services on campus that the vendor will hold periodic meetings or forums with student customers to discuss the performance of the food service provider. This commitment will be included in the University’s contract with the vendor.


  1. Responsibilities


  1. Managers who have oversight for contracts with food service vendors falling under the scope of this policy must:




  1. The Purchasing Office will assure that students are included as a part of the solicitation review committee for student food and/or beverage services as required by Section VII.A above.
  2. The Business Contracts Office administrator must assure each business contract with a food service vendor contains language requiring the vendor to seek continued input from student customers as required by Section VII.B above.
  3. The Office of the Dean of Students will assist, as needed, in identifying student representatives to be involved in initial selection and renewal of food service vendors. The manager with oversight of a food service contract may contact that office for assistance.


  1. Forms & Tools

Business Contracts

  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 50302 – Student Participation in Selection and

Monitoring of Food Service Contractors

  1. History

Policy origination date: March 30, 2021

Last review date: March 2021
Next scheduled review date: March 2025