Board Rule 508 ("Establishment of Academic Chairs, Professorships, and Endowed Lectureships and the Designation of Holders of Academic Chairs and Professorships") specifies that the rank of Distinguished Professor is a campus-wide appointment, recognizes international accomplishments, is to be limited in number, and is to be recommended to the Board by the appropriate President and the Chancellor in order to confer richly deserved prestige and honor on those selected to receive this designation. Variations in this title include Distinguished Service Professor. The following criteria will be used in determining the selection of a Distinguished Professor: - Accomplishments bringing great credit to UAB.
- Noteworthy academic service to UAB as a teacher and/or research scientist and/or clinician.
- International recognition for scholarly contribution to the individual's chosen profession.
- Outstanding performance of service associated with the individual's chosen professional or academic discipline.
- Numerous achievements and extensive peer recognition in the individual's chosen professional or academic discipline.
- Unstinting dedication to standards of excellence in all endeavors.
- Exemplary character and integrity reflecting great honor upon UAB.
Procedures for Appointing Individuals to the Rank of Distinguished Professor: - The appropriate dean, after consultation with the appropriate departmental chairpersons, will recommend the appointment to the Provost.
- The Provost shall seek the advice of a committee of five members, appointed by the Provost, consisting of four senior faculty not holding administrative appointments, two of whom are from the department of primary appointment of the candidate, and an individual currently holding the rank of Distinguished Professor, if available, who will serve as chair. Affirmative approval of at least three committee members is required for the Provost to recommend the candidate to the President.
- If the Provost's decision is favorable, the Provost shall then recommend the appointment to the President.
- If the President's decision is favorable, the President shall then recommend the appointment to the Chancellor. Upon approval from the Chancellor the recommendation will be submitted to the Board of Trustees.
- The preceding steps apply to the appointment of individuals who are already members of the UAB faculty. In the case of someone to be brought in from the outside at this rank, the usual procedures for recruitment and appointment to the rank of Professor will be followed, after which the procedure described in Steps 1) through 4) will be followed.
Notes: - It is vital that this procedure be conducted in such a way that, when the decision is made not to appoint someone to this rank, there is no awkward sense of being turned down. Being appointed Distinguished Professor should continue to be regarded as a signal honor and not merely a next step above the rank of Professor.
- Where appropriate, individuals with the rank of Distinguished Professor should be provided special financial support for their research and professional activities.
- A University Professor is a professor who is primarily prestigious in a specific discipline and is an academic rank that transcends departmental and disciplinary lines. A Distinguished Professor is a prestigious appointment that recognizes international accomplishments.
- Individuals holding this rank should be allowed the greatest latitude in apportioning their time between teaching, writing, and scholarly research.
Criteria and procedure for Distinguished Service Professor are the same as those for Distinguished Professor. (Return to top) Board Rule 508 ("Establishment of Academic Chairs, Professorships, and Endowed Lectureships and the Designation of Holders of Academic Chairs and Professorships") specifies that the rank of University Professor is a campus-wide appointment primarily prestigious in a specific discipline; is to be recommended to the Board of Trustees by the appropriate President and the Chancellor; is to bestow on an individual an academic rank which transcends departmental and disciplinary lines; is to allow each designated individual the greatest latitude in teaching, writing, and scholarly research, and is to give such an individual with broad expertise a UAB-wide platform. The following criteria will be used in the selection of an individual to be designated University Professor - Scholarly achievement and intellectual maturity.
- Dedication to the highest standards of professional excellence.
- Numerous achievements and extensive peer recognition in the individual's chosen professional field.
- Academic competence to enable the individual to undertake cross-departmental, cross-disciplinary activities in research and teaching, and UAB and community service.
Procedures for Appointing Individuals to the Rank of University Professor - Any member of the UAB community may nominate to the Provost an individual for appointment.
- The Provost shall seek the advice of a committee of five members, appointed by the Provost, consisting of four senior faculty members not holding administrative appointments, representing the breadth of academic programs, and an individual currently holding the rank of University Professor, if available, who will serve as chair. Affirmative approval of at least three committee members is required for the Provost to recommend the candidate to the President.
- If the Provost's decision is favorable, the Provost shall then recommend the appointment to the President.
- If the President's decision is favorable, the President shall then recommend the appointment to the Chancellor. Upon approval from the Chancellor the recommendation will be submitted to the Board of Trustees.
- The preceding steps apply to the appointment of individuals who are already members of the UAB faculty. In the case of someone to be brought in from the outside at this rank, the usual procedures for recruitment and appointment to the rank of Professor will be followed, after which the procedure described in Steps a) through d) will be followed.
Notes: - It is vital that this procedure be conducted in such a way that, when the decision is made not to appoint someone to this rank, there is no awkward sense of being turned down. Being appointed University Professor should continue to be regarded as a signal honor and not merely a "next step" above the rank of Professor.
- Where appropriate, individuals with the rank of University Professor should be provided special financial support for their research and professional activities.
- The primary difference between Distinguished Professor and University Professor is that Distinguished Professor recognizes achievement in a single field; whereas, University Professor is the appropriate designation for individuals whose work is more interdisciplinary in nature.
- Individuals holding this rank should be allowed the greatest latitude in apportioning their time between teaching, writing, and scholarly research.
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2.8.4 Endowed Academic Chairs, Deans, Professorships, and LectureshipsAll endowed academic chairs, deans, professorships, and lectureships are established by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama, and initial appointments to fill them likewise shall be made by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama only after recommendation of the President and the Chancellor. Such endowed positions are prestigious appointments not only to recognize the requirements of the endowments, gifts, or other funding sources but also to reflect honor on the individual so designated. Procedures for the selection, appointment, administration, and reappointment of endowed chairs, deans, professorships, and lectureships must align to this Handbook and Board Rule 508.
These guidelines do not apply to Endowed Faculty Scholars and other endowments, which are administered through policies and procedures of UAB Advancement and UAB Financial Affairs and are often more appropriate for faculty earlier in their careers. Individuals considered for endowed positions should be full-time regular faculty at rank of Associate Professor or higher, who demonstrate high standards of academic excellence, scholarly achievement, or exemplary service. Holders of these positions are expected to have sustained contribution of excellence that could include significant contributions to teaching or research, facilitating high-quality recruitment, and reflecting a high degree of professionalism and collegiality. Appointment of a faculty member to an endowed position requires The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama approval as described in Board Rule 508. Academic units may determine the selection committee procedures of filling an established or new endowed position with consideration of any donor stipulations and limitations associated with the endowment. Endowed positions may be filled from the ranks of the university professoriate or may be combined with a search for an external hire (Section 2.12).
If the endowed position selection is considered for currently appointed faculty, the search should include direct input from faculty members in the relevant academic division, department, or unit including through use of selection committees (which may be ad hoc appointments made by a dean as necessary) composed of faculty members, the majority of whom are from the relevant division, department, or unit in so much as possible consistent with Section 2.11.2. If the endowment appointment selection is simultaneous with a search for a new faculty appointment, the faculty search committee (2.12) may be augmented to satisfy selection committee requirements described above. Donors may serve on an advisory committee but may not participate in the selection or evaluation of candidates to hold the endowed position.
Selection procedures by the academic unit shall include the required letters of recommendation or support as defined in the submission package. The dean will forward the package with the dean’s recommendation and fully executed Board Agenda Item Recommendation Form to the Board Liaison in the Office of the President, who will secure approval by the Provost and President. Once all approvals have been secured, the board submission package will be transmitted to the System Office. The endowed position must be approved by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama prior to being announced. If the endowed position selection is simultaneous with a faculty search, the announcement of the faculty search may not precede, but can be simultaneous with, the announcement of the endowed position by the Board of Trustees. The initial faculty appointment to an endowed position may be finalized only after approval by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama.
The letter of appointment to the endowed position should include the duration, reporting pathway for annual performance review (, and expectations associated with the endowed position. The letter of appointment to an endowed position should additionally specify allowable expenses for the endowment including, but not limited to, payment of salary support for the holder and/or support for graduate students, research expenses, or other staff supporting the intent of the endowment. In most cases, there will not be support for other faculty. Unless otherwise specified by the endowment, the appointment period shall be five years. An endowed position may be removed from a current holder at the discretion of the Dean if the holder - receives notice of non-reappointment or termination of their faculty position;
- retires;
- no longer maintains full-time status, holds an administrative appointment tied to the endowment, works in a field relevant to the endowed position, or otherwise does not meet the conditions of the endowed position;
- has a conflict of interest that cannot be managed through normal COI management practices; or
- is no longer a faculty member in good standing.
Upon retirement, the endowed position typically is considered for a new appointment, but in rare cases, if allowed by the endowment criteria and if the holder is granted “Emeritus” status (2.8.5), the emeritus faculty may continue in the endowed position. The holder of the endowed position must report at least annually as part of the faculty performance review (Section 2.14) on activities associated with the endowed position unless the endowment specifies more frequent or specific reporting. In the final year of the appointment, the holder of the position may be considered for reappointment according to the procedures of the academic unit. For decisions of reappointment, deans should consider the results of the holder’s periodic stewardship reports described above the holder’s annual performance reviews, and the results of an end-of-term review conducted by the holder’s chair or other supervisor in which the performance of the holder is assessed over the entire term of the position. The results assessed should include the holder’s productivity over time and whether the specific performance expectations in the appointment letter have been met. Reappointment of an endowed position does not require approval by The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama.
For decisions of non-reappointment, the Dean must consult the Provost and notify the Vice-President for Advancement. The position holder may be offered up to one year to address performance expectations, after which the Dean, upon consultation of the Provost, makes final determination of non-reappointment and initiation of a new selection. Non-reappointment of an endowed position is separate from non-reappointment of a faculty appointment, which is governed by Section 2.13 for non-tenured faculty and is separate from termination of appointment, which is governed by Section 2.18 for tenured faculty. If the endowed position subject area ceases to be aligned with the university goals or the position remains vacant for three or more years and remains unlikely to be filled, the President, upon consultation with the Provost, Advancement, and the Dean, and subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, may disestablish the endowed position.(Return to top) After ten or more years of service with The University of Alabama System, or with less service upon having made an exceptional contribution to UAB or the System, a faculty member may be considered for appointment to emeritus status.
An emeritus appointment to a faculty rank may become effective only after the faculty member retires, as defined in Section 2.21. An academic administrative emeritus appointment, such as Dean Emeritus, may be conferred at such time that the faculty member resigns from that academic administrative appointment, even though the faculty member may continue to hold a full-time faculty position at UAB until the time of retirement. An appointment to emeritus status should be initiated at the departmental level with preparation of the UAB Agenda Item Recommendation Form. Accompanied by the faculty member's curriculum vitae, Board resolution and a cover memorandum delineating justification for the appointment, the form should be sent through the offices of the appropriate dean(s) and the Provost, and forwarded to the President. When the appointment has been approved by the President, the form will be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources, and notification will be sent to the faculty member. The appropriate personnel documents should be processed by the department according to university and Human Resources guidelines. Appointment to emeritus status is campus-specific. Following approval by the President, current practice is for emeritus status to be approved by the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees as an administrative action item at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.
Certain privileges are inherent in emeritus faculty status such as access to the Campus Recreation Center and UAB Libraries which include borrowing privileges. A parking permit (annually renewable) may be obtained with documentation of emeritus status to UAB Transportation Services. Emeritus faculty without a volunteer or contingent appointment may be eligible for a Visitor One Card to provide common access to academic buildings during regular business hours. Emeritus faculty with a simultaneous volunteer or contingent faculty appointment are eligible for a UAB One Card to provide building access, reduced rates at campus dining facilities, an active email account, and access to campus network services including library databases. Any fees and charges for use of these facilities shall be charged to the emeritus faculty member. At the discretion of the appropriate dean and/or department chair, laboratory or office space may be assigned to the emeritus faculty. Emeritus faculty may serve as principal investigators on externally funded (sponsored) grants or contracts administered by UAB when they meet the UAB Definition of a Principal Investigator and the funding agency's eligibility requirements. |