Handbook of Operating Procedures 1-1020

Officers of Administration

Effective February 21, 2024
Executive Sponsor: Office of the President
Policy Owner: Deputy to the President


  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin ("University") executes its degree granting and management authority through officers of administration as delegated by The University of Texas System ("UT System") Board of Regents' Rules 20102 and 20201.

  1. Reason for Policy

To define the delegated authority, responsibilities, and organizational reporting structure for the University's president and other officers of administration.

  1. Scope & Audience

This Policy applies to all University employees.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)


  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts





Office of the President


Phone: 512-471-1232



  1. Responsibilities & Procedures


  1. Executive Administrative Officers


  1. President. The president is the chief administrative officer of the University with duties and responsibilities described in Regents' Rule 20201.
  1. Deputy to the President. A deputy to the president is an executive administrative officer of the University who provides administrative and strategic leadership and support for the president's initiatives and priorities. The deputy serves without a fixed term, reports to and is responsible to the president.
  1. Vice Presidents. The vice presidents are executive administrative officers of the University, serve without fixed terms, and report to and are responsible to the president, unless otherwise indicated below.


  1.  Executive Vice President and Provost (Provost) serves as the University’s chief academic officer and provides the president advice and leadership for the academic community. The provost is responsible for academic/instructional operations, ensuring the quality of academic programs, supporting the hiring of qualified faculty, and facilitating the growth of the University.


  1.  Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer serves as the University’s chief financial officer and provides the president with advice and leadership on fiscal affairs. This officer is responsible for financial activities and analyzing and implementing strategies to help support sound financial decision-making.
  1. Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer serves as the University’s chief operating officer and provides the president advice and leadership regarding operational and strategic initiatives. This officer is responsible for all day-to-day operations and strategic business activities.
  1. Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the Dell Medical School leads the University’s comprehensive health care strategy and is the chief academic officer for the medical school. This officer provides the president advice and leadership in these areas. As senior vice president, this officer reports to the president. As dean, this officer is responsible for all aspects of the medical school and reports to the senior vice president and provost.


  1.  Vice President for Development serves as the University’s chief development officer and provides the president advice and leadership to support institutional goals and initiatives through development efforts. This officer is responsible for the development operations of the University, including strategic campaign planning, donor relations, and solicitation and recognition of gifts.


  1.  Vice President for Campus and Community Engagement provides the president with advice and leadership to support student success, campus engagement, community engagement, and access. This officer is also responsible for operating the University Interscholastic League, The University of Texas High School, The University of Texas Elementary School, the Disability and Access office, and other programs serving the department's mission.
  1. Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel serves as the University's chief legal officer, general counsel, ethics officer, and the president’s designee responsible for providing day-to-day operational oversight of the University’s police department. This officer provides the president with leadership and strategic legal guidance to support institutional goals, initiatives, and public safety. This includes providing in-house legal counsel to the president and other administrative officers, managing, and overseeing outside counsel services, and leading the legal affairs office, open records department, and the University’s police department.


  1.  Vice President for Student Affairs provides the president with advice and leadership to foster student opportunities, communities, and events on campus. This officer is responsible for the operations of the Counseling and Mental Health Center, New Student Services, Recreational Sports, Texas Parents, University Health Services, University Unions, and numerous other student-facing units.  This officer is also responsible for overseeing the Office of the Dean of Students and its work to support students, including Legal Services for Students, Sorority and Fraternity Life, Student Activities, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, Student Emergency Services, Student Governance Organizations, Texas Leadership Education and Development, and Veteran and Military Affiliated Services.  


  1.  Vice President and Athletics Director leads the University’s intercollegiate athletics programs and provides the president advice and leadership in this area. This officer is responsible for operational logistics, coaching and team activities, the promotional and fiscal aspects of the athletics department, NCAA compliance, and student-athlete academic success.
  1. Vice President for People and Talent serves as the University’s chief human resources officer and provides the president advice and leadership for human resources functions. This officer is responsible for human resources strategies, talent management, and compensation planning.
  1. Vice President and Chief Communications and Marketing Officer serves as the University’s chief communications officer and provides the president advice and leadership to promote the University's reputation. This officer is responsible for strategic and integrated communications, branding, public relations, and advertising.
  1. Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavors provides advice and leadership to support the University's research activities and technology functions. This officer is responsible for administrative oversight of research institutes. This officer reports to the provost.



  1. Other Administrative Officers


Other administrative officers of the University are identified below. These appointees serve without fixed term, and report to and are responsible to the president, unless otherwise indicated below.


  1.  Chief Audit Executive provides the president with advice and leadership to ensure the University has an effective internal audit function. This officer is responsible for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes in accordance with Regents' Rules.


  1.  Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer provides the president advice and leadership to ensure the University meets its regulatory and compliance obligations under federal and state laws, regulations, and University policies and procedures. This officer is responsible for leading and overseeing the University's ethics and compliance programs.
  1.  Chief Information Officer provides the president advice and leadership to support information technology services. This officer is responsible for leading and overseeing the strategic direction and focus for information technology resources.


  1.  Chief Information Security Officer provides advice and leadership to ensure the security of the University's information technology resources and the existence of a safe computing environment on campus. This officer reports to the chief compliance and privacy officer. 
  1.  Academic Deans, Directors, and their equivalents lead and oversee all aspects of their respective college, school, or center. These officers report to the provost.


  1.  Associate Vice Presidents/Vice Provosts, Assistant Vice Presidents/Vice Provosts, Directors, and  their equivalents support their respective vice president, vice provost, or director. They report to their respective vice president, vice provost, or director officers they support unless expressly provided by an employment contract or appointment letter. 
  1. The Dean of Students is responsible for providing support and services to students. This officer is responsible for overseeing Legal Services for Students, Sorority and Fraternity Life, Student Activities, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, Student Emergency Services, Student Governance Organizations, Texas Leadership Education and Development, and Veteran and Military Affiliated Services. This officer reports to the vice president for student affairs. 


  1. Appointment of Administrative Officers


  1. All administrative officers are at-will employees who serve without fixed terms at the pleasure of the president.


  1. The president has authority and responsibility for the appointment and dismissal of administrative officers of the University. The prior approval of the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is required for each such appointment and dismissal, whether from a permanent or acting appointment. 


  1. The president delegates the authority and responsibility for appointing and dismissing associate and assistant vice presidents, directors, or their equivalent, to the respective vice president for those positions within that vice president’s division. These officers report directly to their respective vice president unless expressly addressed in an employment contract or appointment letter.
  1. The Board of Regents endorses the principle of reasonable consultation with faculty, staff, and students in the selection of administrative officers of the University. The president will endeavor to determine the selection of these officers using reasonable consultation, including those procedures outlined in HOP 2-2110 - Consultation in the Selection of Certain Key Administrative Officials. The president, however, will not be bound by nominations or recommendations by such advisory or selection committees in executing his or her duties.


  1. Designated University Official


The University must appoint certain designated officials to comply with various laws, regulations, rules, and policies. University Compliance Services will maintain a list of the University’s designated officials, which may be found on their website.

  1. Forms & Tools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information

Board of Regents' Rule 20102 - Appointment of Institutional Administrative Officers

Board of Regents' Rule 20201 - Presidents

Board of Regents' Rule 10402 - Committees and Other Appointments

Board of Regents' Rule 20401 - Audit and Compliance Programs

HOP 2-2110 - Consultation in the Selection of Certain Key Administrative Officials

  1. History

Modified: February 21, 2024
     Next Scheduled Review Date: February 2027

Modified: October 5, 2015

Previously HOP 2.2