Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2110
Consultation in Selection of Key Administrative Officials
Effective February 21, 2024
Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
The University of Texas at Austin endorses the principle of reasonable consultation of faculty, staff and students in the selection of key administrative officials.
- Reason for Policy
This policy outlines the composition of Consultative Committees and implements the general principle of reasonable consultation in the selection of Key Administrative Officials by providing guidance for the formation and functioning of Consultative Committees.
- Scope & Audience
This policy applies to faculty, students, staff, and administrators participating in a Consultative Committee and related activities.
- Definitions (specific to this policy)
Consultative Committee:
A committee of specific composition of eligible members that will assist in the hiring process of Key Administrative Officials by recommending nominees for consideration by the decision maker.
Key Administrative Official(s):
Executive vice president and provost, dean of the graduate school, dean of the undergraduate college, deans of established schools and colleges, and deans of new schools and colleges.
- Website (for policy)


Responsibilities & Procedures
- General Provisions
- Duties of the Consultative Committee
Consultative Committees, constituted under this Policy, are charged with recommending nominees for the decision maker’s consideration to fill vacancies in positions that constitute Key Administrative Officials. This includes reviewing applications, conducting interviews, assessing qualifications, and other specific tasks as charged by the authority convening the committee. The Consultative Committee may seek and receive suggestions of candidates for nomination from any source either within or outside of the University. Use of a Consultative Committee in the selection of Key Administrative Officials is mandatory unless the best interest exception applies or the presidential prerogative is invoked.
- Committee Recommendations
When possible, the Consultative Committee shall select at least three qualified nominees from the applicant pool to be submitted to the decision maker for consideration.
- Best Interest Exception
When the President (or designee) determines that the University’s best interests are more effectively served by some other method of consultation, this Policy’s requirements do not apply to the selection of a Key Administrative Official.
- Presidential Prerogative
The President (or designee) is responsible for executing the duties of the office and shall not be bound by Consultative Committee recommendations. If the Consultative Committee does not recommend any nominees for consideration, if all nominees recommended by the Consultative Committee withdraw from further consideration for the role, or if the President (or designee) declines to select any of the nominees recommended by the Consultative Committee, the President (or designee) may:
- request the Consultative Committee make additional nominations for consideration; or
- invoke a different procedure for selecting the official, as the President (or designee) deems appropriate.
- Consultative Committee Composition
The composition of Consultative Committees varies based on the role to be filled. Composition should be comprised as follows:
- Committee Composition for Selecting the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Nine voting members of the General Faculty, six elected by the faculty using the Hare-Clark Preferential Voting System and three, not including administrative officials, appointed by the President; three students appointed by the President from a panel of not less than five nor more than ten selected in a manner to be determined by student government association(s); and such other persons as the President may deem appropriate. No more than two of the elected members of the committee shall be from any one school or college.
- Committee Composition for Selecting the Dean of the Graduate School.
Nine members of the Graduate Faculty who are voting members of the General Faculty, six elected by members of the Graduate Studies Committees by the Hare-Clark Preferential Voting System and three, not including administrative officials, appointed by the President; three graduate students appointed by the President from a panel of not fewer than five nor more than ten selected in a manner to be determined by student government association(s); and such other persons as the President may deem appropriate. No more than two of the elected members of the committee shall be from any one school or college.
- Committee Composition for Selecting the Dean of the Undergraduate College
Nine voting members of the General Faculty, six elected by the faculty by the Hare-Clark Preferential Voting System and three, not including administrative officials, appointed by the President; three undergraduate students appointed by the President from a panel of not fewer than five nor more than ten selected in a manner to be determined by student government association(s); and such other persons as the President may deem appropriate. No more than two of the elected members of the committee shall be from any one school or college.
- Committee Composition for Selecting Deans of Established Schools and Colleges
Five voting members of the faculty of the school or college for which a dean is being sought, elected by that faculty by the Hare-Clark Preferential Voting System, and two voting members of the General Faculty, not including administrative officials, appointed by the President; three students appointed by the President from a panel of not fewer than five nor more than ten names selected by the student council for that school or college; and such other persons as the President may deem appropriate.
- Committee Composition for Selecting Deans of New Schools and Colleges
Nine voting members of the General Faculty, six elected by the faculty by the Hare-Clark Preferential Voting System and three, not including administrative officials, appointed by the President; three students appointed by the President from a panel of not fewer than five nor more than ten names selected in a manner determined by student governance association(s); and such other persons as the President may deem appropriate. No more than two of the elected members of the committee shall be from any one school or college.
- Ineligibility for Service
At the time committee participants are selected and throughout service on the committee, any person who meets any of the following criteria is not eligible for consideration as part of the pool from which committee members are selected or for service on the committee. The participant is:
- unable to commit to the required amount of time to participate in the consultation process,
- subject to temporary or permanent adjustments to work/academic responsibilities because of a disciplinary outcome or interim measure, and,
- deemed to have an actual or perceived conflict of interest such that their participation creates the opportunity for their personal gain or advantage or will undermine the efficacy of the process. The existence of a conflict of interest under subsection c. of this section shall be made by a three-person delegation appointed by the President (or designee), in consultation with the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs. Eligibility determinations by the three-person delegation are final and not appealable and cannot be grieved. When possible, the determination should be made prior to the committee selection process beginning, but may be made at any time, as necessary.
- Convening the Consultative Committee and Filling Vacancies
- When a vacancy is expected in one of the Key Administrative Officials positions, the Consultative Committee shall be constituted by the President (or designee) as early as is convenient.
- A member of the Consultative Committee shall withdraw from the committee in any instance where it is clear that the member is under serious consideration for appointment to the position being filled. Any vacancy in an elected position on a committee shall be filled by the next highest person on the electoral list.
- A member of the Consultative Committee shall report to the committee chairperson any change in circumstance that may make them ineligible for service on the committee, as described in this Policy, or otherwise not available for service. The committee chairperson shall notify the three-person delegation immediately so that the delegation may perform the necessary eligibility determination and/or direct the vacancy to be filled with another person.
- Committee Charge
The Consultative Committee shall be charged by the President (or designee) regarding the scope and manner of its work.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Related Information
HOP 2-2130 - Evaluation of Deans of Colleges and Schools
Board of Regents’ Rule 20102 – Appointment of Institutional Administrative Officers
- History
Modified: February, 21, 2024
Editorial revisions: July 10, 2024
Next scheduled review date: February 2027
Origination date: April 27, 1988
Previously HOP 2.4